Eco Green Sai Gon
Nguyen Van Linh street, Tan Thuan Tay, Dictrict 7, Ho Chi Minh City
Eco Green Saigon has a prime location, Nguyen Van Linh Boulevard, Binh Thuan Ward, Distric 7, Ho Chi Minh City. With a 14 -hectare urban land, Eco Green Saigon comprises over 1,000 apartments ranging from one to three bedrooms spread across six 36-story towers.
The development is covered by a lot of amenities as shopping centers, commercial buildings, service residences, residential for sales, a combination of international schools, hospitals and greenery parks together.
Eco Green Saigon apartments promises to bring buyers a fresh, green and airy environment in harmony with nature’s beauty and will feature a dynamic lifestyle with modern, luxury and elegance wide ranges of recreational facilities.